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Today at brix. How to prepare your home for sale… A few tips to consider.

Are you planning on putting your property on the market? Before you make that step, take a look at your home – is it picture perfect? Follow our handy guide to help get your home in tip-top shaple ready for sale.

No matter how long you have lived in your home, you have now taken the decision it's time to move on.  As a first step start outside your house, trying to see it again for the first time and really absorb what your prospective purchasers will see… then take the tour of your house yourself, noting areas that could make it more appealing:

Enhance your kerb appeal
First impressions count so how your property looks from the outside needs to make an impact. Some quick and cost-effective improvements you could implement to spruce up your homes exterior include planting some bright and colourful plants.  Giving your front door, window frames and any fencing a fresh lick of paint will bring them back to life.  If you have a driveway keep it clean and weed-free. When it comes to your garden, green is good and so making sure it is regularly watered is important and do trim back any shrubbery – nobody needs to battle with bushes to get into your house!  

Clean and clutter-free
Now to the inside of your home. Is your hallway brimming with shoes and coats? Are your skirting boards in need of some attention? Now is the time to give your house a deep clean and declutter. There are companies that you can employ to tackle this task for you but if you want to take it on it is important to make sure rooms like the bathrooms and kitchens are immaculate and feel fresh.  Pack away non-essential items that you don’t use every day, especially when it comes to viewings. Clutter makes a space feel small and could make your property look like it lacks storage.  Now is also the time to fix any minor issues – damage to a wall, cracked tiles or broken door handles will all give the impression of an uncared for house.

Staging and style
Don’t overlook the simple fact that styling your home for sale could be the key to helping it sell quickly and for the best possible price.  What works for you may not be very practical for others and you want potential buyers to be able to imagine themselves living in your home.  Big and bulky furniture is great for your family to enjoy slouchy Sunday afternoons on but they make the room look smaller than it really is. Rearrange rooms to maximise the use of space and if there is a lovely feature make the most of it, so if you have a gorgeous bay window with a view you could set the scene by positioning a lovely chair with a stylish lamp and a stack of books to showcase it.  You’ll be surprised how strategically placed items can make all the difference! 

Let there be light
Light and bright rooms are more inviting then dull ones, so if your windows let in lots of natural light make the most of it. Use lamps to brighten up dark rooms, and most importantly make sure all your bulbs are in working order so that everything is shown in the best possible light.  

Farewell to furry friends
We’re not saying to get rid of any pets to sell your home but future buyers could be sent running for the door at the sight of cat hair covered carpets or litter trays lingering in the kitchen. Clean up after your pets and get rid of any unpleasant odours etc. that your furry friend might have left behind.  

Showing your home a little care and attention now could have you reaping the rewards when it comes to selling. A well maintained home is likely to help to accelerate the process and certainly won’t be a distraction on price negotiations so that hopefully you will sell in a matter of weeks rather than months. 

We would be delighted to guide you through this process, so if you are thinking of selling, please do get in touch with us today and we can work with you to get your property in the best shape and on to the market.  

How would you prepare your home for sale? Share your top tips with us on our Facebook page.

If you would like to discuss your options and how we could help, please click on the below link to arrange a suitable time for us to provide you with an up to date market appraisal and sales strategy report:





How to prepare your home for sale...

by brix

Market Appraisal


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