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Meet the Team - OFFICE ADDRESS

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Russell James

BSc (Hons) Est Man MRICS
Russell is a Chartered Surveyor & Surrey Estate Agent with over 20 years experience in the property industry. Russell has worked in the areas of agency, development, investment, valuation and asset management. Having lived in the Cobham area for over 15 years, he is passionate about property and working in the local area he loves and knows so well. Russell is the sales and marketing director and also spearheads our team of digital and design creatives to deliver our award winning bespoke designed marketing campaigns to elevate and optimise the marketing of our clients homes.

Justine James

Justine has lived in Cobham with her family for over 15 years. With over 20 years PR, communications and client relationship experience, she makes sure everything runs smoothly for all our clients. Justine has worked with a broad range of brands and property companies to ensure they have optimal positioning in the market. With a keen eye for detail, she is instrumental in ensuring all properties maximise their potential.

Rocky James

Motivational Assistant
Rocky is the office dog and likes lots of treats, chasing balls and plenty of walks around Cobham!

Market Appraisal


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